About Teresa
"I believe that a trusting attitude and a patient attitude go hand in hand. You see, when you let go and learn to trust God, it releases joy in your life. And when you trust God, you're able to be more patient. Patience is not just about waiting for something... it's about how you wait, or your attitude while waiting." - Joyce Meyer

To share your thoughts with Teresa regarding her work, please e-mail her at: authort@gmail.com
If you would like to schedule a speaking engagement, book-signing event, or media interview with Ms. Browning, please contact her at the email above or any of the social media platforms she is listed on.
Teresa was born in Lawton Oklahoma. Her parents were in the military and she grew up traveling. Teresa returned to Washington, DC in the 70's. Her first novel, Why I Kept My Past A Secret was in the top 10 books of the year in 2001 and 2003 Mosaic books. Ms. Browning now resides in South Carolina.
Teresa first discovered her passion for writing at the early age of 13. She would sit alone and write for hours about her thoughts, dreams and about the people around her. Teresa's writing journey began years later, she decided to take her journals and put her thoughts in book form.
Although dreams of becoming an author was something she wanted, Teresa didn’t begin putting her work together until her children were in their last few years of high school.
As a self-published author, getting her work published was the easy part. Her belief is it is you who must be able to walk through the door in YOUR season to deliver the message. If you reach one person with your message from what you have written, you know you have achieved the goal you personally set out to do.
For all of the readers who have taken time out of your busy day to read through the pages of Teresa's books, she extends a gracious thank you. She hopes that they have been blessings to you and have allowed you to release everything that has held you back from accomplishing your hopes and dreams in life.
Peace and love to you all,
Teresa Mason Browning